Monday, June 18, 2012

The Monkey Wrench

I'm disappointed to say that today's post will not be about my recently finished project. Unfortunately I forgot that all of my pictures were on my camera instead of my phone where I thought they were. I don't have time to get all the pictures uploaded and everything done today, but I will post it this week. I think I'm excited about it because not only am I pretty pleased with how it turned out but I also learned something new and that's always exciting. I don't want to say what it is but I will give you a hint and say that it's made of leather. So, if you're interested in some simple leather working stay tuned.

I can, however, update you with what I did over the weekend. On Saturday we went to the farmer's market in Ashland. We got some strange looking eggplants and some golden zucchini among other things. The crepe truck was there which was really cool. We decided to get something because... it's a crepe truck! We got a crepe with blueberries and mascarpone cheese and ate it on a park bench in the shade. It was very good and we had a nice time.

We picked up our new sink and then went to meet some friends. We ate at Q Barbecue and then hung out at the mall for a while. If you've never been to Q I would definitely recommend it. Their barbecue is delicious and you absolutely cannot leave without trying their hushpuppies. We ended the night over at my parents house for the usual Saturday night family dinner.

Sunday we ran in the morning and then went to Goodwill to get me some shorts! Actually we went to get me some pants that I could turn into shorts. Seriously, I've been wanting some new shorts, but I think spending upwards of $30 on shorts is ridiculous. So I found this nice pair of Dockers (they're so nice I might cry a little when I cut them) for $2.50! Maybe I'll blog about those later. We also found a nice 4 piece set of Fiestaware with 4 place settings for $10! If you don't get why that's incredible look up how much Fiestaware costs.

After our typical weekend grocery shopping we grabbed some movies and went home to relax. I had decided earlier that I wanted breakfast for dinner so I made roasted rosemary potatoes and eggs (which we had gotten from the farmer's market) with diced green peppers, mushrooms, and onions. My wife made a delicious peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream. (I hope there are still some leftovers when I get home) To cap the night off we watched John Carter. I really enjoyed the movie and would definitely recommend it to anyone. It's a fun action movie that's sort of like Star Wars and Indiana Jones put together.

Sorry about the lack of pictures of this weekend. I didn't think about taking pictures of the cobbler or anything until after we had decimated it. Did you have a good father's day weekend?

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